The human teeth comprise a soft pulp nerve protected by hard calcium enamel, and it contributes to some vital functionalities of a mouth including biting, chewing & speaking. A face gets a complete appearance when these teeth are properly arranged, but due to some reasons, it can be damaged or even discarded. Modern health care created many innovative solutions to restore a natural tooth, but nothing proved effective as dental crowns. It is dentin shaped cap placed on the top of enamel to mimic its profile & potency. When placed, it will improve the appearance & functionality of maxillofacial arrangements. Fundamental Utilization Damages in a tooth can be caused by various reasons. Accidents expose an inner pulp to the external environment, which can be detrimental as it can get infected. Dental trauma is a common case among adults, where the nerves become too weak to support dentin. In such cases, caps restore the damaged dentin for a durable c...